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You may ask yourself How important are business cards? Can I get away without handing out business cards? The answer is no. Business cards are still the modern-day marketing tool of choice for most contractors and can be very effective when it comes to generating leads and customers for your landscaping company.
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How effective are landscaping business cards
Great tips on how to create your own
Giving out business cards to people you meet face-to-face has been a tried and true way of generating leads and customers. It’s a fairly simple idea – If someone takes your card, they might be interested in your services. And if they are, there’s an easy way for them to follow up with you.
But what does science say about how effective these quick interactions are when you give out landscaping business cards directly? Is giving out business cards at networking events worthwhile or should you focus on other strategies like search engine optimization (SEO) instead? The answer is a resounding YES! In addition to having a killer website, business cards remain one of the most critical part of any landscape company's marketing strategy - especially for those just getting started.
Design and printing services for landscaping contractors. Handing out business cards for landscaping face-to-face is still one of the best and most proven ways for new landscaping companies to generate leads and customers. Therefore, design your own professional-looking cards that you can give away at networking events and job sites.
VRDigs offers high-quality print-marketing materials to our contractors at affordable prices. Starting with one of our FREE templates, you can browse these example business card styles online, and then select one and use it as inspiration for creating your own unique card with custom colors and fonts. Don’t forget to include contact information like your phone number, email address, or website address on at least one side of the card so clients have no excuse not to contact you.
Logos are one of those things that can have an immediate impact on what a prospective customer thinks of your business. But if your customer can’t physically see this image on your truck, card, website, or social media - they may never know you exist. Without seeing your logo, many people may find it hard to remember who you are and what your company does.
Many DIY business card design programs will allow you to upload an image from your computer and then use that as a basis for designing a logo. When selecting an online designer be sure to choose someone with experience doing landscape company logos. If possible ask them how many lawn care/landscape business card designs he has designed before yours.
VRDigs does offer a premium logo design service, but most new companies don't need to spend a great deal of time or money designing their logo. Just be sure it's something unique, memorable and easily distinguishable from other contractors so it will easily stand out in your customers minds when they see it.
If you're looking to get a professionally designed logo, here are a key guidelines to stick to: